- The ESP8266 is a low cost Serial-to-WiFi module that interfaces nicely to any microcontroller. However, a word of caution - it is highly undocumented (primary reason for writing this document), and more importantly, it is frequently updated and not backward compatible.
- Serial Bridge Using ESP8266 One of the most well-known (appeared on Hackaday’s blog ) and well-designed projects to make ESP8266 as a WiFi-UART bridge is jeelabs’s esp-link. Actually, this project is far beyond being a simple serial bridge as it also manages MQTT client pub/sub and REST HTTP requests in order to connect the MCU to the internet.
Esp8266 Wifi Module Arduino
Getting Started with ESP8266 WiFi Transceiver (Review). ESP8266 Hack #1: Web Enabled LED - WiFi Internet-of-Things IoT. Basic Serial Communication using ESP8266 With Arduino UNO. I have the Arduino connected to the wifi ESP8266 module and when I run an empty code in the arduino it let me execute the AT commands in the serial monitor. Doing this all the AT commands are working (the module connects with the wifi modem).
Data communication between electronic devices is inevitable in many electronic projects and brings a lot of advantages to your project i.e. connecting your microcontroller to PC and monitor data on a large colorful display instead of small monochrome LCD. When talking about connecting a device to PC, the most obvious way of communicating is USB port. But transmitting data over USB requires lots of programming. Another easy way is Serial Port (aka COM) and RS232 protocol that only needs a tiny electronic circuit to convert voltage levels and a little programming. So I made an RSS232-TTL UART adapter and published here to uses in all of my projects. But I faced a new problem, new motherboards and laptops have no COM port. Then I decided to make a USB-TTL UART adapter using famous FT232 IC for my projects. It works very well, but long wires from devices to PC are annoying me. Is it possible to have the serial port on the air like wireless mice and keyboards? Of course, it can be done using lovely WiFi module ESP8266, and by using WiFi you have not to make a dongle yourself and also you can have a serial port over the internet. Wow, I just wanted a wireless serial port, now I also have a serial port over the web. That's very exciting.
Esp8266 Wifi Setup
Esp8266 Serial Wifi Shield
The video shows controlling an E-waste CNC (3D printer) using this device.
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