I have two new computers with Windows 8.1. One is an HP laptop on which I had no trouble installing and using Quicken 2012. Now I want to install the same program on my Lenovo desktop. It is in the form of an exe file downloaded from Amazon. When I execute it (as Administrator) the installer. Kate, It worked like a charm. I thank you very much.
- I have Quicken 2012 H&B. I have Windows7 which will not be supported after 2020. Can I install Quicken 12 on a new computer with windows 10?
- I am experiencing the same problems with my Quicken 2012 Starter Edition and my new HP computer with Windows 10 OS installed on it. If the same procedure that worked for Nivkuf, above, will possibly solve my problems, is there anyway to get the full narrative of the steps you recommended to him?
- Quicken 2012 is an application by the software company Intuit. Sometimes, users want to remove it. Sometimes this can be difficult because doing this by hand takes some experience regarding removing Windows applications by hand.
Quicken 98 installs fine on Windows 7; not Windows 10 however.
I've tried compatibility settings to no avail.
With Windows 7, it worked provided you picked the win95 folder and ran the setup in there, rather than the root install.exe. Presumably because it was a 32 bit, rather than a 16 bit installer.
However, this approach just results in a hung instance of setup.exe in Windows 10, whether run as administrator or not.
Download Quicken 2012 DELUXE - Free Download Quicken 2012 DELUXE - Quicken 2012 DELUXE download here: http://www.extracrack.blogspot.com/2011/10/quicken-hom. Sep 26, 2019 Quicken compatibility with Windows 10 I am running Quicken Premier 2012 and was wondering if I install Windows 10 will I have any compatibility issues or will the transition be smooth? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as. Installing Quicken from a CD is as easy as one, two, three, four: Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive. In a short amount of time, Quicken should display the Quicken 2012 install wizard window. The window just reads Welcome to Quicken 2012!
I can run it in a Windows 7 VM on VirtualBox, if I have to, but I'd rather not incur the overhead.
Any ideas? Other than 'use more modern software', please :)
Quicken Deluxe 2012 Windows 10
ChrisAChrisA1 Answer
There was an Amazon review for a newer Quicken version where reviewer 'Amazon Customer' stated 'I still run Quicken 98 (although a year 2000 compliant version) on Windows 10 and it still does everything I need it to do. I love this program and would feel lost without it. The windows installer hasn't worked since W7 but it installs perfectly from the CD in safe mode.'
If that approach does not work for you, you might try the more complicated approach which worked for me on installing on Windows 7: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_programs/please-can-you-help-me-i-have-an-old-programmes/439fc67f-ee36-4cd5-ab34-e301299890bf?page=2
Personally, I just upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7. Quicken 98, which was installed on Windows 7, runs on Windows 10 except portions of the display are blank at startup until you click on that area. The net effect is you are gradually shown bits and pieces as you click on various areas. I couldn't discover a workaround in the QW.exe Compatibility settings (XP SP3) or in the NVidia settings (361.91 driver) so the easiest workaround I have figured out so far is to minimize (WinKey+DownArrow) then restore (WinKey+UpArrow) after Quicken 98 starts. This produces the display as it should have been at startup.
Quicken Deluxe 2012 Windows 10
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